Picture Perfect

It was 5:30 pm, time to head home from office.

I got on my ride. It was too dusty outside, so I wore my yellow framed sunglasses although it was dark outside. I drapped my neck with a thick muffler and I imagined I looked like Lord Shiva with snake drapped around the neck. I smiled to myself.  Just when i sat on the cold seat of my scooter which was wet with fog, I remembered my warm cozy bed  waiting for me at home. I couldn’t wait any longer. So I started for home.

Everytime I get into the street, I get a feeling that i am participating in a competition, where all the vehicles in the streets are my competitors and I have to struggle to reach home which is at a distance of 11kms from my office.

The journey to my home seems so far due to the traffic jam in several places that I can almost think about the entire universe at this time. My mind usually is in a different world while my body and my ride will be struggling hard to compete with all other bigger, fatter or smaller rides.

Just as I had reached half way to my home, I came across a bad traffic jam. People were saying it was because of some political protest that took place some time ago in that particular area. I cursed all the protestors for making things so difficult for general public and just waited for the traffic jam to clear. Just then my eyes caught an enormous building to my right. “When did such a big building emerge here? “, I murmured to myself in astonishment because I had never noticed that building in that area earlier. Now,  I had to pass my time doing something, so I started counting the stories of the building from bottom to top. As I had finished counting the 7th floor, I got a chill down my spine with a thought, “What if an earthquake came just at this moment? This building would turn me into a pickle”.  Well, this feeling is something that haunts me every time I come across a place with many buildings or multistoried buildings.Again suppresing this scary imagination,  I continued counting the floors and just when I reached the top floor , i.e, the 11th floor, I saw a huge  shining body above the building.

That glance brought a soothing effect to my mind and heart. It was the moon, but it looked so different than ever before. It was a full moon , round cheeked, and golden in color. Omg, i had never seen such beautiful thing before!

Suddenly the traffic jam cleared, and I had to move on. But my eyes were stuck on the prettiest moon ever. I just followed the moon this time. It appeared just in front of me , in every route I took.

The moon had till then captivated my heart. The darker the sky, the brighter it shone. I started admiring the universe. I wanted to stop somewhere and take a picture of the glowing object, the golden moon. But then the traffic police could appear out of nowhere to seize my license for stopping just anywhere. And again, even if I did, the moon would look really small with my mobile phone’s camera. Even the DSLR that I had at home wasn’t that powerful. Hopefully, I thought, I should at-least be able to make some use of the lens that day. Uff, how i wished I had a powerful camera then. I then got another thought of saving some money and gifting myself a good camera.

As i moved forward,  i just pitied people who were in their own busy world, ignoring such a magical thing. Why weren’t others seeing this supernatural moon? The people have forgotten to enjoy natural beauty. Uff! Such a pity!

For a second I thought I would write a status in my facebook and alarm all my facebook friends to see the moon but for that I had to reach home.

“Just some time to get home and I will hurry myself to the terrace and watch the moon the whole night and even take pictures with whatever low photography skills that I have”, I promised myself.

Finally I reached home, and I hurried up myself through the stairs after  grabbing the camera that lay on my table.

Without even exchanging glance with anyone at home, I reached the terrace. The moon was just there, shining bright , so close to me. I brought the camera close to my eyes, closed my left eye to give a sharp look while I peeked through the lens with another eye.


But, there was an obstruction in between.  I realised they were my glasses. I didn’t take a second to remove it off and kept it on the railing next to me and then got myself ready for the perfect shot. But! Alas!

When I looked up, with naked eyes,  the moon wasn’t golden anymore. It was just the normal moon I saw every night. I got a strong jerk on my mind. My pressure went up.

All this time  I had been seeing the moon golden and unnatural because of the sunglasses that I had been wearing through out the time. I cursed myself for being so stupid that I didn’t realize i was being fooled by those glasses. I had never felt so doltish before!

However, I  did click a picture of the moon that day. But whenever i see that picture now, I make sure I put on the same sunglasses to make it Picture- Perfect.  Then I get a big grin on my face 😀